To Be intentional in all things.
To cultivate and move deeper into an attitude of gratitude.
This year I want to become more intentional about many things in life.
Intentional means to choose on purpose.
Making a concerted effort to be intentional about something and knowing the reason why.
Having a strong sense of purpose toward a goal.
I want to be more intentional about our family, and those we love.
Life is short.
If we lose the opportunity to say ‘we love them’ or ‘we appreciate them’ or ‘we are praying for them’ it is a tragic loss.
I want to be more intentional about our friends.
Spending more time with them and cultivating the deep friendships we have making them better and stronger.
I want to be more intentional about sending notes or cards in the mail.
Everyone wants to be remembered.
Everyone wants to know they matter and they are being prayed for.
Encouragement is a gift we can give to others.
It cost very little and it is easy.
A quickly written ~ “I’m thinking of you” note.
A quickly written ~ “I’m praying for you” note.
We have lost the art of handwriting these days.
Everything is on the computer or texts on a phone very seldom do we talk to each other.
Voice inflection tells everything.
Be purposeful to call someone and just chat for a while.
It is good to make personal contact when it happens everyone is blessed.
This year I am purposing in my heart to be more intentional in all the details of my life.
Beginning with relationships.
I wonder more and more, if the first thing should be to know people by name, to eat and drink with them, to listen to their stories and tell your own, and to let them know with words, handshakes, and hugs that you do not simply like them, but you truly love them.
– Henri J.M. Nouwen –
I love this post! Thanks for opening your blog up! I am now subscribing on email too. 🙂 You my dear are a blessing for sure.