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I am watching the season change

I am watching the season change. The air is still crispy cool, and we have not had any ‘solid’ rain in a few weeks.
Our area is known for rain and coolness. I am looking forward to spring days where we can go to the nursery and purchase flowers.
I am not one to putter in the garden, but I do love the veggies in the summer and fresh flowers for my table.
Because of the cats we can’t really have bouquets in the house, but I find room outside and enjoy them there.
We recently purchased two ‘new to us’ cars. We feel pretty blessed by the one we found and the ability to get them.
Next month I am scheduled to have my yes worked on. Removing the cataracts that have found their way into my vision.
I am very nervous about it, but everyone says it is not a problem, and the doctor said I will get a little nap.
We have five appointments on the calendar, and it will all be done by the end of March.
Just in time for summer.
Our camping season will begin around May, and we have a new tow rig that can pull our travel trailer.
The first place will be the beach, The ocean is healing to me and oh God knows my heart needs healing and calm.
Too many things have taken place and it’s catching up with me.
God does give us strength to press on and move forward, looking back is not helpful.
I have not been doing much on this space since it is more difficult for me to see.
Soon I hope with my eyes fixed and my new computer I will be able to write like I am used to doing.
Getting ole is not for the faint of heart and I think my 70’s might be a bit more challenging.
I am watching the season change and anticipate warm weather and fun times of exploring new places. 

Another year has begun and my goodness

Another year has begun and my goodness we have had some interesting days.
Without going into details, it’s just been hard.
Life gets difficult as we age and often times things happen that are out of our control.
God will give us strength to press forward and taking one step at a time it will bring healing.
The month is half over and I had my birthday turning 70 and my husband has his very soon, turning 71.
The Oregon days have been grey and cold, and I am definitely feeling my age.
Spring can come and daffodils can bloom, and the days can get much lighter and warmth.
Our precious great grandbaby is now six months old.
We love her so much and she is a happy baby most of the time.
Hard to believe our daughter is a grandma.
Our pastor has been doing a fabulous series every Sunday… HE is SO so good.
Grace Chapel, Wilsonville Oregon if you are curious.
I don’t have a lot of identifiers on anything anymore since my Facebook was hacked,
unfortunately, I have lost a few really good friends because of that mess.
I try to tell myself if they were really good friends, they would have questioned me before
they cut me off.
I get no reply or response, and I guess at this point that is their decision.
Pretty sad. I knew them a very long time and I really thought we were good friends.
The hackers were a nightmare, and I am so thankful they are gone. (at least I think they are)
You never realize what kind of evil is out there till you get your ‘family’ photos stolen by someone pretending to be You.
I pray it is over. It needs to go away forever.
I need quiet days without worry of what is next.
Another year has begun and my goodness we have had some interesting days.

I just have to ask the questions

I just have to ask the questions
Part three:
Luke 2:39b They returned home to Nazareth in Galilee 40 There the child grew up healthy and strong.
He was filled with wisdom, and God’s favor was on him.
2: 52 Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people. 
Did they go through some of the attitude’s parents get from young adult children.
Remember they lost him one time in the temple.
Luke 2:45 When they couldn’t find him, they went back to Jerusalem to search for him there. 
Three days later they finally discovered him in the Temple, sitting among the religious leaders, listening to them and asking them questions.
And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and answers.
His parents didn’t know what to think.
“Son,” his mother said to him, “Why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been frantic, searching for you everywhere.” 
“But why did you need to search?” he asked. “Didn’t you know that I would be in my father’s house?”
But they didn’t understand what he meant.* key verse**
Then he returned to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. 
And his mother stored all these things in her heart.
He had a lot of time to mature and grow.
There are many questions I have about all of this.
We often move from the manger to the ministry, and then to the cross.
But what about the middle years, when he grew and learned and trained under Joseph.
I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but the word tells us he was a baby, then a child, he had to have been a teen, then a young adult,
then a young man and then he turned thirty when I believe his ministry began to take shape and form.
So many stages of a young man’s life. So many changes for a Savior.
Not only was Jesus the main character in this story.
But he was the story.
God loves us so much that HE wanted to give us a chance.
The only way that would work was to allow a Savior to come.
Remember the verse when Simeon told Mary,
Luke 2:35 “As a result, the deepest thoughts of many hearts will be revealed.
And a sword will pierce your very soul.” 
Referring to his time on the cross.
It was all for a reason. It was all for a purpose.
The deep love from the father to us given in the form of a baby.
As we move towards the closure of the Christmas story, I hope you realize, as I have said before, nothing is by accident, and nothing is without a plan.
I just have to ask the questions.

I have to ask the questions

Part two:
I have to ask the questions.
God created a whole new ‘Jesus’ so we could see him and relate to him and then believe in him.
He was the ‘same’ equal part of God as in heaven, but now in a physical form we could relate to.
From the spiritual realm to the earthly realm.
Do you think he was in the form of a body in heaven? I don’t think so,
Psalm 139:13 You made all the delicate inner parts of my body and knit me in my mother’s womb. 
vs 15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
vs 16. you saw me before I was born.
It was pre-planned as we know, but can you imagine?
What was it like to be a baby moving and kicking just as any other baby in the womb.
This ‘God in flesh’ baby child, miracle one, so tiny.
Or even during the birth process. He had to experience it.
I have seen video’s of how hard the baby pushes and turns and struggles to get out.
The process is hard and exhausting, challenging and relentless.
He had to be born through Mary because she was chosen to be his mother.
There had to be ‘physical connection’ as well as a spiritual one.
Then after he was born, the baby was cared for and loved by Mary and Joseph, blessed by Simeon, praised by Anna, then shepherds from the fields praised him, and then the wise men who brought gifts of royalty fit for a king.
All this meant something. On the eternal level and perspective.
Then we saw the threat from Herod, and then the Angels appearances over and over in dreams and visions.
So much happening in such a short amount of time for all of them.
Then I was wondering as a baby, he had to go through the normal teething process.
Just as any other newborn baby. I would imagine and wonder, did Mary walk the floors with a cranky colicky baby.
Did Joseph rock and sing to him as he calmed his crying, if he was sick and feverish.
I don’t imagine he could heal himself then, He was a baby.
As an infant, I would think, he had to learn to crawl and walk just like any other baby growing up.
Imagine with me, a skinned-up knee, he could have placed his own hand on it to heal it or did that ability come to him later as he grew?
So many questions to ask.
I have to ask the questions

I am taking a risk as I write this

Taking a risk as I write this and ask these questions:
Part one:
Would it be alright if I venture into a few different questions for us?
Now that we have learned about the many characters of the Christmas story.
It seems to me that we are not thinking about or focusing on
the one reasonable question.
What about Jesus?
In the beginning He was with God.
That is what Genesis tells us.
They were together as the three in one.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Then the plan from God was to provide a Savior, so, he could save the people from their sins.
As it is written:
Luke 1:35 The baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God.
Luke 1:69 He has sent us a mighty Savior from the royal line of his servant David, 
just as he promised through his holy prophets long ago.
God created a way for us to be saved eternally.
God didn’t have to do that, but HE DID choose to.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world so much that he gave his one and only son,
so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
God in his wisdom had to create someone we would relate to.
Someone special and full of meaning, and who could not only change history, but change and restore lives too.
So, at some point in time, the decision was made, for Jesus to come to the scene as a baby,
then to grow up and then to leave again, and return back to the father, after his ministry was over.
Imagine with me for a moment.
What would that be like for Jesus, who was all God and all man, all knowing and still learning?
Jesus the Son of God entered the womb of Mary by the Holy Spirit,
as a little tiny egg and grew into a ‘perfect’ little baby,
to be born and placed in a manger in a city called Bethlehem.
As scripture told us.
He had to come with the genealogy alongside him, as he was from the lineage of David.
It’s the most powerful story ever written.
I am Taking a risk as I write this and ask these questions.

When Jesus parents had fullfilled all

When Jesus parents had fulfilled all the requirements of the law of the Lord, they returned home to Nazareth in Galilee.
There the child grew up healthy and strong. He was filled with wisdom and God’s favor was upon him. Luke 2:39-40
So, to set the scene for the next few visitors.
The wisemen were coming to visit Mary and Joseph, traveling many miles to get there.
Unlike the manger scenes we have set out in our homes the wisemen arrived a few years later and they came to the house.
In Matthew it shares that they came from eastern lands and arrived in Jerusalem, asking,
“Where is the newborn king of the Jews? we saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him.”
After speaking to Herod, the star guided them to the place where they lived.
When they entered the house and saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him.
Presenting their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrhh.
When they left, they went a different direction that Herod had said for they were warned by God in a dream not to return to him.
Herod was very upset and a very evil and jealous man who decided that every first-born son under age two were to be killed.
He wanted to be sure the ‘Messiah’ did not survive.
The verse, “a cry was heard in Ramah-weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeps for her children, refusing to be comforted, for they were all dead.”
It was a horrible time and when Joseph and Mary heard about all that was to take place they left for Egypt. Until Herods death.
It was to fulfill the prophecy, “I called my son out of Egypt.”
An angel of the Lord instructed Joseph and Mary when it was safe to move forward with their child.
They were able to go back into the town of Nazareth one more time fulfilling part of the story.
When Jesus parents fulfilled all the requirements of the law.