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Soon we are going on our much needed canoe trip.
My heart is heavy today for assorted reasons and I do feel we need some time away.
Life has been busy and very hard at times in the last few months.
It has been both financially and emotionally draining.
I sometimes just want to take a long relaxing nap but when sleep comes it doesn’t seem to come easy.
The temperature outside has been in the high 90’s and for our area that is hot.
We do have air conditioning but it is still warm and sometimes uncomfortable for us and the animals.

When we get away and on the water there is really nothing to worry about.
No concerns other than to not dump over as I don’t know how to swim.
The landscape around us and the views are so relaxing and beautiful.
Often times we can see birds hovering in the sky or deer along the sides of the bank walking near the water.
A few times we have even seen eagles nests and even eagles sitting high above our heads.
You cannot believe the quiet.
It is so peaceful and calming to the soul and spirit.

We follow the waters current and the other canoes in our team and 
we watch the clouds and feel the wind in our face.
It is refreshing.
Healing and calm.
We prepare for good weather and also the not so good.
Last year we found ourselves in the middle of a torrential rain.
It down poured on us for at least a half hour or longer.
It was warm and also a bit scary when the clouds got darker and darker and the wind increased in strength.
The water had a current that didn’t flow easy and it made us work.
We all had hats on and soon rain gear.
The adventure continued for another four hours till we could get off the river and back into camp.
Fortunately we had clothes that dried fast and also the air wasn’t cold it was just wet and dark.
The day on the river brought  a lot of surprises for us.
Kind of like the lessons of life.
Storms happen and feel dark and overwhelming and then in just a short time 
life is better and things begin to look hopeful.
The lessons of life are always good for us to think about.
When dark days come just remember the sun will return and it will be good again.
At that point we just have to remember to look up and say 
“thank you” for being with us.