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The ending of an old year means
many changes are ahead for all of us
when the calendar flips over to January
we look at empty squares with nothing written on them and
we realize we have an opportunity to make new choices.
Tomorrow could be a new beginning.
We can learn to make choices that matter for eternity.
We can choose to move healthy relationships into deeper ones and
we can choose to leave behind those who are not good for us.
What matters the most
can become the new message we give to ourselves
in this new year.
I believe God gives each of us an opportunity to pause and
breathe deep and do some internal thinking.
Our Pastor once said, “When you pause you don’t miss the obvious.”
Tomorrow begins a new year.
Tomorrow we can choose to not want to miss the obvious.
Two thousand and eleven will be gone forever never to be seen again.
The choices we make for this new year can be good and positive ones.
We can learn to become grateful for all things.
Throughout this year I have attempted to write about cultivating an attitude of gratitude.
We can learn to say thank-you in our every day conversations.
We can learn to say I love you or I appreciate you.
We can learn that joy is not the same as being happy.
Happy people are not always joyful people in their spirit.
Great joy is about fulfillment deep within us
no matter what our circumstance is.
Things can be really hard but we can still consider it all joy.
For we know all things are for a purpose and all things happen to us
as a lesson for us to learn from.
They are life altering moments and what matters the most
is each of us have a choice.
Tomorrow a new year will begin.

Tonight we will clink our glasses together and say to each other
“Happy New Year”.
Some of us might be glad the old year is gone and looking forward to a new one to begin.
Some of us don’t know what the new year will bring but if we pause and breathe and
learn to become our own hero in whatever process we are in
we save ourselves.
what matters the most is our choice to say
“I will begin again tomorrow.”