We were young and didn’t really know what we were doing 46 years ago.
The day our son was born.
I remember the hospital experience like it was yesterday.
The doctor chose to induce on our due date, because I was very small and the baby could have been bigger.
So we arrived at the hospital, I was set up with Iv’s and all the things they do to get labor started.
Morning came and nothing happened, lunch arrived and still not much happening, then the afternoon nurse arrived.
I call her the nurse with little compassion or caring.
She looked at me and said, “well you are not doing much let’s get this going so you can have this baby by dinner.”
This was around 3:30 when her shift started.
She turned the pit drip up that was in my Iv and labor began.
Hard and fast. Swift and scary. Monitor’s and needles surrounded me, and my doctor insisted on a block.
I really didn’t need it but when you are 20 and you have no clue what to expect, you let your doctor choose.
God was with us during this process.
Hard labor was in the room with us and I was more and more uncomfortable.
In order for the block to be given, the doctor had me roll into a ball on the bed on my side and the nurse assisted him.
I can honestly say it did not work. They waited too late.
I was pushing my first born baby out and they were trying to numb me.
The labor room was fast and furious.
My husband had to change in the broom closet because they were not ready for me to be so quick.
At 5:35 pm Our son was born. In time for dinner.
My legs were completely numb and I felt most of the dramatic birth other than the intense pain.
It was a very surreal moment because I was numb, and I was in shock because it happened so fast.
When they asked me if I wanted to eat I was just not up to it at the time.
We were young and we didn’t really know what we were doing, the day our 6 pound baby boy was born.Christopher… You have always been our joy, our pride and our son who grew up to be a dad to three of your own boy’s.
I think the births of our children are things we never forget, Sharon. Happy Birthday, Christopher!