The theme this week has been rest
and today I feel there could be a few other words to explore.
to bring back to a former condition; to bring back to a state of health, soundness or good spirits.
The other word is renew: to revive, to begin again.
After a time of rest and refreshment we begin again
with more energy.
With more of a willingness to start the task of life over.
For example after a vacation we come back different.
We return refreshed and ready to face life’s challenges one more time.
Restoration and renewing of oneself is good.
It is positive and necessary.
Sometimes we need to step back and evaluate where we are going
and what are we doing.
Sometimes it takes rest to do that
not just a time of being sick
but a time of resting.
A time to stop.
A time to listen to our hearts struggles
before we should even begin to do anything else.
Sometimes it gives us the courage to say,
“I don’t want to do this anymore.”
When I quit my last job I prayed about it and I felt peaceful
when the phone call took place between my boss and I.
My words came out so controlled, “I am not coming back.”
It felt good. It felt right.
After eight long years of working and giving myself to a company who really ‘didn’t care’ about me as a person. It made me feel empowered to say, ‘this is not good for me anymore’ and when the response I received was ‘ok’ it validated my right decision.
At that moment I knew I needed time.
A time for rest
A time to restore
A time for renewal
A time for a heart to feel listened to and a spirit to feel peaceful.
A time and a season for many things.
Are you feeling that you need time for something these days?
Give yourself a gift and make that time for the condition of your heart.
Life is too short to not begin again and do what needs to be done.
Say what needs to be said and then rest.
It will be your joy when you realize the peace you receive when you stop
and do no more.
This sounds wonderful. I just returned from Texas, yes, but have you ever had those vacations where you need a rest after? That's how it was for me. Felt like I never stopped. But it was good. Rest would be good too :).
Love to you, Sharon. Pray all is well in your world.