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Relationships can be very challenging at times.
Whether that is within a marriage or a close relationship such as family or friends.
We all need people in our lives who are willing to be honest and open with us.
It is a love that isn’t afraid to speak the truth.
It is a love that is not based on condition.
It is a love that is looking for the best in and for each other.
It is a love that loves enough to risk the necessary words to bring life and health and perhaps wholeness to the relationship.
Sometimes in a relationship someone has to risk more by sharing deep feelings from their hearts and spirit.
It takes work and effort to create a good healthy relationship.
Relationships are to be valued and treasured.
They are not to be taken lightly even when they change like the weather sometimes.
When they change that is when we challenge and encourage each other to be stronger.
Even Jesus had friendships who were special to him.
Remember when he met Mary at the tomb entrance and said her name?
He knew that was what her heart needed to hear to bring her hope.
Remember when he addressed Thomas and said to him “touch me”?
He knew the real part of the relationship was meeting him where he was emotionally.
Within the context of his doubt.
We are not any different.
We were never meant to live our lives alone.
It is a part of ‘who we are’ and who we were meant to be.
God made Adam to not be alone so he gave him Eve.
It is an emotional part of us as well as a spiritual part of us.
We need each other.
Do you have a special someone you can share with pray with or encourage?
To risk is to love with an open heart and an open hand and be willing to receive from a new emotional depth perhaps for the first time.
It is in the giving and taking and learning to understand within the relationship that bonds us.
Sometimes it is the process of reaching out and opening our arms towards one another and then asking ourselves the most important question.
Are you willing to take a risk today?