“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”
Lord help me to walk closer to you and to walk with intensity and conviction.
Help me to hold fast to your teachings so that I can bind them in my head and in my heart.
Help me to take a firm grip of your life saving hope.
Help me to know that without you
I would be nothing.
Carry me when I feel faint and tired.
Empower me when I feel like I have no words.
Give me wisdom and discernment that only comes
from reading your word and listening to your Holy Spirit.
Attend to my broken heart for
I am broken by so many things that break you and your heart.
I have heard a saying that says, “give me a heart that breaks like yours does.”
Could I deal with that much pain?
Help me to follow you
Help me to serve you
Help me to break and remove the chains that hold me back
from receiving your power and your love.
Forgive me Lord
For I have failed you.
Forgive me Lord for having a selfish heart
and a spirit of individualism and often times an “I want” attitude.
I don’t want to be centered around myself.
Show me and guide me when I move in that direction.
Give me wisdom and help me listen to your correction.
For you are all glory ~ power and praise worthy.
You remain a light unto my path when my path feels so shaky.
You remain strength when I feel weak.
You remain hope when I am not sure where hope is.
Thank you God that I can rely on you always.
For you are love and you love me and I will always praise you.
Beautiful picture, beautiful words…