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There is great contrast between the Shepherds and the Magi ‘or wise men.
When the Shepherd’s heard the news they quickly went to go see the new baby.
(Doesn’t that remind us a little of some fishermen later on who left everything to ‘go be with him?’)
They left their flocks and went to see for themselves leaving no safety for their sheep left behind.
The wise men had to travel quite a distance to see for themselves and also follow the star leading them.
The Shepherd’s were led to a stable. A barn.
Something they were very familiar with being near.
The wise men were led to a home. A house.
Similar to a palace that they were familiar with too.
Their journeys so different yet so very much the same.
Both travelling to the same place in different ways.
Both to see this baby they had heard about.
Each were fundamentally necessary to the story.
Each unique.
When the Shepherd’s saw they left to announce.
The wise men announced then they went to go see.
The contrast for each were all a part of their separate journeys.
The Shepherd’s had a here and now perspective.
The wise men had a there and then perspective.
They were interpreters of dreams and trusted by many.
The Shepherd’s had traditions to follow and lean on.
The wise men had superstitions and practices.
Both the Shepherd’s and the wise men had powerful stories to tell and others believed and were amazed when they heard them.
Remember God often used special revelations to get His point across.
Moses had a burning bush talk to him.
Balaam had a donkey.
Sometimes when God approaches us we want angels to help us but no star to guide us.
Sometimes we want the singing and the awesome approach from God but we don’t want the brightness of the moment to reveal to us our ‘unbelief’.
The question for us is ‘how do we see God in our familiar settings?’
What kind of a journey are we on and are we willing to go ‘see’ where he is leading us or showing us.
(some of this came from notes last Sunday in our church service.)