The first word I shared from the basket of words was courage.
The second word I shared about was willingness.
Now the third word I am sharing about is trust. says: Trust is
Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety of a person or thing; confidence. Confident expectation of something; hope.
A person on whom or thing on which one relies; God is my trust.
To believe. Certainty. Faith. Trust. Assurance.
These are all powerful and wonderful definitions of the word trust.
But in the real world of recovery and getting better
trust is one of the most difficult things to grasp.
The concept that one can be trusted or believed in or be assured of, is the most challenging part of the journey ahead of anyone entering this phase of life.
To know in my thought process that someone wants to help me with good motive or intention was a huge issue in the beginning.
When one comes from a difficult background depending on the degree of mistrust in all people.
It can take years to finally realize one person really cares enough to help no matter how long the journey takes for you.
When I entered in to the room of recovery I had to know in my heart and believe in my spirit
that this person was safe and would not hurt or harm me.
The first step was realizing it was a process and it would take time.
For me
a very long time.
Even though the counselor I saw was chosen by his experience and reputation in the field of recovery.
He also was the one who told me trust would be a major part of our work together.
Every time I entered into that room I had to choose to trust as I sat in my favorite chair by the door.
If the process got too uncomfortable I knew I could leave although for many reasons I never did.
I had to learn to trust in the process of allowing another to walk alongside me through the painful layers and feelings that are always a part of remembering.
Recovery is not pain free.
Just like any birthing process of bringing something new into the scene of our lives.
There is a deeply intensive road to walk before any kind of healing can take place and it must be walked slowly and not forced.
I had to trust in the process of sharing my heart hurt and then lean in to the confidence that this person really does have my best interest in mind and they will stay with me till healing takes place.
Question for you:
Is it hard to trust?
to trust God?
to trust in yourself?
to trust others who might want to help you?
to trust the path you must go on in order to become healthy?
Reliance on the integrity of the process is the hardest part of trusting no matter what kind of journey we have before us.
It is not an easy word but oh so necessary in the process of recovery.
The most difficult word in this kind of journey is to trust.
the first to grasp onto |
Hi Sharon,
Stopping by to thank you for your visit to my blog and your kind comment.
I don't know your whole story, but this is a powerful post – filled with honest wisdom.
One of the most difficult thing I've had to walk through is learning to trust the Lord in all circumstances. I'm such a controller. I longed to have everything neatly tucked into its proper spot and to protect my loved ones. I have learned through many hard lessons that He is absolutely worthy of my trust. He is a perfect, loving Father.
I am loving your series! And I so loved meeting you last weekend!
trust never seems to come easy
He has so many lessons along the way
but the benefits of walking in that trust are beyond measure
It's so hard, isn't it? I have struggles with trust, too, because of deep betrayals of my trust. I even balk against trusting God, but I have to tell myself that He only has pure and holy intentions towards me. Trust is my word for the year as I long to trust more. Thank you, Sharon, for opening your heart and trusting us with this story.
Trust has never come hard for me. I was raised in a home filled with love and trust and God's presence. I learned early to trust my Heavenly Father. Oh, for grace to trust Him more.