Sometimes there are no words.
When I think of the events in the last few weeks and the devastating deaths in many states.
It is hard to know what to say. How to process. What to do.
The latest where little children inside a school were shot down with no warning.
I see the sorrow on the news, and I can hardly deal with the incredible sorrow.
What is happening? I do think and agree with many who say the home has been the reason.
When the homes, and society as a whole, give minimal consequences.
This will continue.
It has continued over and over, and it is not the fault of the guns or the weapons of choice.
In my opinion it is a heart issue.
Years ago, there was a fear of authority, and the discipline was swift and firm.
I don’t have much to say about all this.
Words are not adequate to use when this type of thing happens.
We weep with those who weep. We pray with those who pray.
We hold our loved ones a little closer in our hearts just because.
I cannot imagine what took place on that day or any other day these things have taken place.
I cannot imagine the fear, the terror, the horrific scenes, it is too much.
The emergency vehicles and the workers, trauma scenes filling their days.
The police trying to figure it all out when there is chaos and tragic circumstances.
Someone made the choice to hurt and wound and kill just because opportunity let him.
I pray for the families who are broken and in deep grief.
I pray for the teachers who are left behind.
I pray for the city who is broken.
The Friday word prompt that was given this week was HEAL.
Is it possible to heal after something like this?
Weeping and wailing like Rachel in the Old Testament who wept for her children.
Someday the word HEAL will be back in the lives of those left behind.
But not now. Not any time in the future.
It is too hard. Too raw and too intense.
Sometimes there are no words and that is the reason why silence is important.
(I’m not sure where I found the heart, but it is appropriate for this writing,)
There are no words . . . praying for the families.