Today I said good bye to my buddy.
She was my computer chair warmer.
I had to sit next to her as she wouldn’t really move if it was time for me to write.
We would share the chair.
She would purr and purr and then put her paw on my leg wanting to be petted.
She would lay her head against my ribs and just sit… with me.
She would be so patient… until it was time for me leave then she could stretch out and take the full warm chair for her sleep.
Her name was Smudge. A tortoise shell calico and her age was 16. 1997-2013
She weighed 10 pounds 6 oz today. A small old lady.
She was very loved and will be deeply missed.
When I couldn’t find her I would look on the computer chair, or the dining room chair or when we had a couch she would be on the corner of the top of the couch.
She was never outside.
Years ago I worked at an aviation company and one of the ladies there had a new batch of kittens.
I told my husband about them and about the picture she showed me.
He sort of ignored me.
I already had a large black kitty who was about age one at the time and two dogs.
He just didn’t think I would bring another one in the home.
SO he said, “you don’t need another cat”.
Really? She came home with me the next day.
She was the size of a tea cup and when he held her in his lap.
He named her Smudge.
She was as I have always said ‘MY perfect child.’
She never did anything wrong. Even in her senior years she would sometimes get sick on the floor but nothing overly terrible.
The vet said she had congestive heart failure and maybe a tumor and there was nothing he could recommend for her other than to let her pass away in peace.
He said no antibiotics would work as she was very sick.
So they gave her a calming shot and she quickly laid down on the table.
I petted her and he gave her the last ‘sleeping shot’.
It was peaceful. Incredibly hard. I petted her and cried.
I knew I had to say goodbye. Touching her for the last time.
She is peaceful now.
The house is quiet. I am deeply saddened.
It is a deep loss for me.
Good bye miss Smudge may you always know we loved you.
Oh I'm so sorry for the loss … Such a faithful friend and compagnion smudge has been through all 16 years! She must have felt very loved, safe and secure, even to the very last moments of her precious life. The house must feel very empty now … My Heart and thoughts goes out to you (I've said farewell to a Niki – golden retriever when I was a teen … still remembering the aching Heart when fell sleep for the last time at the vet's office … In our arms).
Love from Nina
What a sweet tribute to your wonderful Smudge! Wishing you peace.
Oh, I'm so very very sorry. It's so hard to say goodbye to our dear friends who truly become a part of the family and offer us so much love. And it's obvious that your Smudge was very loved in return. My heart goes out to you in your loss.Thank you for your lovely comment about our little dog – we are appreciating every moment we have with her while she is still with us.