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When I shared about the word reveal on my last blog writing, it was hard to ‘open’ my life up and speak about my health issues.
Often times when we are growing up we are told or instructed to keep things private.
Either told to us by someone or a self imposed, ‘I must be silent’ about some things, we learned the lesson.
It is true we must not share everything in our lives like an open book, but to share some things is learning to let others in.
I am not good at that. By nature I am a private person.
I am cautious and careful and choose my words wisely. I choose my sharing even more wisely.
The Lord is showing me that in order for me to let others into my life, I have to share matters of my heart with them even if it uncomfortable to do that.
They cannot guess for that would be foolish. They can know truth so they can walk alongside me and also pray.
Just as I would want my ‘good friends’, to allow me to walk with them through a valley of sadness or sickness.
That is what friendships are for, sharing life, sharing disappointments or joys.
It is in the revealing of oneself that we learn to grow in a relationship with others.
As I wrote before ‘reveal’ is to open up. It is to become aware when we didn’t know before.
I didn’t know I had a blood sugar issue. Once I learned the truths of it, I became aware of how to treat it.
The same thing would apply to a heart that is broken or a wound that is infected that is making our spirit ill.
The body is a combined effort of physical, emotional and spiritual feelings.
When I was sick, for many years my emotions were numb.
I had spiritual feelings but my heart was protected with self imposed ‘doors’ surrounding it.
After being hurt over and over, I wore caution and protective gear over the soft side of me.
When it became clear to me that I had to start sharing and revealing what was going on inside my ‘broken places’,
God led me through a process of revealing the pain and trusting someone with those pieces of me no one was ever allowed to see or know.
Life threatening illness can change our thinking, we no longer speak of ‘what I am doing in ten years,’ we speak of what shall I do today, or tomorrow.
We move from long term plans to short term plans.
It is always about sharing life openly and honestly, and also allowing ourselves to accept our new truths about ourselves.
Just as my best friend has to learn to take care of herself and to follow doctor’s orders for her good.
I have to give up and release my enjoyment of ‘ice cream’ or chocolate cake.
It is not good for me therefore I will exchange one ‘treat for a healthier option’.
In this life I have now, I am able to say, “oh I can’t have that,” and move forward without regret.
Is there something in your life you need to be honest about?
Has God revealed something to you that only you can fix or take care of?
It is in the revealing, when we share life with others, that we open our hearts and trust them.
Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.
Proverbs 27:9