We went to the beach yesterday and we were immediately thrilled to notice a gaggle of geese there. We have never seen Canadian geese at the beach… there had to have been close to 40 or more…it was such a treat.
I often stop and listen to them as they fly across the sky.
It is so amazing to me that they can fly and honk and stay on course following one leader who occasionally will honk an encouragement sound to the ones following behind. Soon several will be lifting their sky sounds as if they are saying to one another ‘come on you can make it’.
I think we are not that different.
We head into new directions for ourselves and we encourage others to do the same. We cheer each other on as we say:
Be faithful. Be encouraged. Stay strong. Hang in there.
These are all words of encouragement to keep pressing forward in the right direction~ towards the goal~the right final ending place.
Whether that be a new job, a new hobby, a new weight loss, a new look or new attitude.
We encourage each other in the process when we say to one another…
‘I believe in you~you can do it~others have done it and you can too.’
Yesterday as we watched these geese on the beach
I was feeling both thankful and blessed that they found a resting place where we could enjoy them. Some were sleeping and some were walking around flapping their wings and stretching them out. I was just as excited to watch them as I was in watching our grand children playing. The geese were resting in the sun and surf and just hanging out as if they knew once back into flight they must focus and not become weary in the process.
May we do the same as we journey into the directions of our lives.
Each of us have a task, a focus and a destination that we are heading towards.
Help us to not grow weary in the process and realize a new day is coming as we encourage each other to press forward and not give up.