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An angel met with Mary

When Elizabeth was six months along with John, an angel met with Mary who was engaged to be married to Joseph.
Gabriel appeared to her in Luke 1:28 and he said,
“Greetings, favored woman! The Lord is with you!”
Now we must stop for a second and remember she was only 16, not quite a woman; but God knew.
It said she was, confused and disturbed as she thought about what the angel had said to her.
Wouldn’t that be the normal response when hearing a greeting like that?
The other thing to remember; women who were pregnant and not married were often stoned to death.
It was a serious issue not only for her, for Joseph and their families involved.
She must have had many questions and concerns.
Then the angel said,
“Don’t be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God!
You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus.
He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High.”
Mary asked the angel, “How can this happen? I am a virgin.”
The angel replied,
“The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.
So, the baby to be born will be holy, and will be called the Son of God.
What’s more, your relative Elizabeth has become pregnant in her old age!
People used to say she was barren, but now she is in her sixth month.
For nothing is impossible with God.”
Mary’s response to the angel was,
“I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true,”
Then the angel left her.
{I truly think the angel brought the news about Elizabeth to Mary, so she would believe more intensely and with more reality.
She knew Elizabeth was old and barren. She also knew she must go see her and see for herself what the angel had said.}
An angel met with Mary and told her the good news.

When i think of the Christmas story

When I think of the Christmas story; I am in awe and in amazement of the number of players that were used to create the scenes.
It is orchestrated like a screen play with everyone doing every little part, to make the whole, story complete.
God was so wise to use a simple teenager, and a humble man.
Of course, HE was wise, He is God the Almighty Father.
It was perhaps a love story; that would be tested from the moment the angel met with Mary.
She was a teen, so young and being told. “You are to be the chosen one.”
She had a tender heart full of acceptance and honor.
Can you even imagine how it started? Being startled by an angel in the room?
“Don’t be afraid.” (Of course, he would have to say that!) I would be terrified.
I have always been amazed over the fact that the angel spoke in a language Mary could understand.
We don’t think of angels having language or sound other than singing.
I wonder if sometimes WE get an angel among us telling us things that we hear, but not realizing Who was telling us?
Mary was the chosen one to be the mother of Jesus.
In Luke 1: The story is written and played out and it unravels with each and every character.
The beginning of it began with Zechariah and Elizabeth who were relatives of Mary.
It was the miracle before the miracle.
Their son, John would be born before Jesus.
Elizabeth was barren for many years and then Zechariah was told they would have a son.
He didn’t believe the angel and so the angel told him to be quiet until the birth took place.
I don’t blame him for doubting, that would be the reaction of many in the same situation.
But God… can do miracles.
A miracle before the miracle.
When I think of the Christmas story I am always in awe of the details and the obedience.

Soon to be December 1st

Soon to be December 1st.
Every year I visit the Christmas story for it is one of my favorites and is also the beginning, how it all began.
The trust established between many who are a part of the story.
The activities in heavenly places anticipating the newness of baby and the hours to come within the journey.
I will see how I can write and portray the story.
It is an important one for without the birth the death and resurrection of Easter would be not so important.
The players all played a part in making this amazing story happen.
As we move within the characters and the time frame hang in with me as we explore the birth of a baby who came to save us from ourselves.
As we play the music in our homes and sing “oh little town of Bethlehem’ let us remember the story was planned and everything we know about it as true.
Away in the manger will come and OH HOLY NIGHT. my favorite song of the season.
Walk with me as we journey through the scriptural story of how it all began.

Soon to be December 1st and the story with all its beauty and glory will take place.

What a month October was

What a month October was for us.
It brought many different things to be concerned with and pray about and then be thankful.
Our baby grand daughter was in a little accident and had to be checked out in the hospital. She is fine.
It was scary as it involved a cross walk, a car and a tiny baby.
Then our grandson was in a car accident, again he was rattled around but safe and not injured.
The car was totaled.
Our oldest granddaughter was in Montana and heading home in her car to Oregon.
This grandma was praying and not excited for her to drive that far alone from Montana to Oregon.
Well, she was driving on the freeway and lost control of her car and rolled it a few times.
The police at the scene said she should NOT be walking away without a scratch.
They ambulanced her to the hospital where she was checked out and stayed overnight.
The company that she worked for kept her safe and she was able to fly home with nothing but her cat.
Pretty sad when you have nothing. All of her belongings were thrown on the road.
There was another car incident that was not planned and injured our granddaughter’s boyfriend.
Then my husband hit a storage shed with his old car and the insurance totaled it.
What a weird and strange month.
We are ready to move on into November and let the holiday planning begin.
We had our anniversary last weekend. Fifty-one years.

Pretty hard to believe that these young ‘not yet adults’ married and stayed for that long.
It’s pretty remarkable when we think of all the life changes, we have gone through together.
What a month October was for us. Not one I want to repeat.
We came out stronger, believing in prayer and remaining thankful for the many blessings we have witnessed. 

The word prompt for the weekend

The word prompt for the weekend ended up being PRESERVE.
I found it rather funny since my husband and I have been canning lately.
Preserving for the winter months.
We have done 56 jars of pickle some for us and some for our neighbor.
Then we did 26 jars of peaches and then we did 14 jars of pears.
Then we purchased tomatoes, and I froze those in a bag for soups later.
It is nice to have it done.
Kind of like the little house on the Prairie days.
WE talked about doing green beans and potatoes, but the cost of a pressure cooker was a decision we didn’t make.
So many things have to be water bathed or pressure cooked. I do freeze fruit and sometimes veggies.
We also thought about doing plums, but that idea ended too.
Then we have a quarter of a beef coming soon so our freezer will be full.
It really is nice to have it when you need it as long as the freezer door gets shut.
One time we had a CSI scene in our freezer as it was unplugged and we had lots of partially defrosted meat.
It was awful.
Garbage bags were full of meat that could not be rescued.
It was a waste, but you can’t take a chance when it comes to preserving and freezing.
We are not into pressure canning meat and some veggies.
It is a high risk if you don’t do it the right way.
Years ago, it was a natural thing to can everything. We don’t really have to do that unless we want to.
The joy and fulfillment in knowing we did it and it is clean good products.
The word prompt for the weekend was preserve, and I do think we have done that very well.

This week is the county fair

This week is the county fair held in a different county than where we live.
We have only missed a couple of years when the temperature out was over a hundred.
I am not a hot weather fan, and I definitely would not sit on wood benches to watch a rodeo.
One of our traditions is to find a hand dipped corn dog, YES, we know it’s not good for us but oh so yummy.
Sometimes we find the booth with hot corn on the cob but probably won’t do that tomorrow since we have some at home.
We like to walk around the pavilion building where they hold art galleries, canning and other homemade items.
It’s a nice feeling to know not all is lost when it comes to tradition and family activities.
Of course, the rides call out to the kids. Don’t ever put me on one EVER.
We like to see the animals and the ribbons given, and the pride those local kids have when showing their projects.
The fair is a fun day and just plan on many things to look at and observe.
Then later about seven we go to the grandstands with our ‘pre-purchased’ tickets for the rodeo.
It is a family event and it most of the time very patriotic.
The riders march around with flags, the announcer says a prayer and we sure need that these days.
Then the riders head to their places in line for action.
It is both exciting and scary sometimes. The skill level it takes to do barrel racing, or calf roping or horseback riding.
And we won’t forget the bull riding event.
I only saw one bad accident when I was a little girl where the bull attacked the rider. IT was no fun for anyone.
Then the bull in a local fair just recently jumped the fence and tossed a person up and down a few times.
They survived but oh my goodness can you even imagine?
This week is the county fair held in a different county, and we will be glad it will only be in the high seventies.

On my bulletin board I have a saying

On my bulletin board I have a saying that is in large print as a reminder.
I hold onto that, as I pray for so many things in our lives.
In the lives of others that I care for and in the lives of those who walk a journey that is hard and difficult.
Cancer is one of those journeys.
The treatment is not easy or fun.
I had surgery, that actually went rather smooth and also had radiation that was not too terrible. Although when you think of a large machine hanging over your body and radiating beams you begin to wonder if all your organic shopping is worth it.
I want everything possible to be organic and not sprayed.
I read all labels, and I refuse to buy items that are covered in toxic chemicals.
It is amazing to me that they can even sell the stuff that way.
Keep being brave, when my oldest granddaughter moved away and I had to not cry hard, I was sad, but I knew it was a good move for her.
Keep being brave, when my other granddaughter had a perfectly healthy tiny great granddaughter for us to enjoy and love.
Keep being brave, when sometimes I don’t feel well but I push through it for I know there were days and years that I dealt with it intensely very often.
Keep being brave, when I see my best friend who has leukemia.
She is strong and brave and trusts in the holy God of all who heals.
I also have on my bulletin board, a quote from a very special person.
“Man looks upon the outward appearance. God looks upon the heart.”
Our bravery doesn’t often show on the outside. Sometimes it is the quiet voice that stays inside and says, “let’s try again tomorrow.’
On my bulletin board I have a saying that is in large print and many other reminders of hope, healing and friendship. 

It’s hard for me to believe

It’s hard for me to believe I have taken a few months break from writing.
I always write and I always have something to say.
These days have been a continuation of changes.
Our oldest granddaughter Faith Elizabeth is moving to Montana. She quit her job and said her goodbyes.
It is a heart breaker for me, but I have to know the change, the new start, new relationship and job will be good for her.
I pray she finds a church that can help her grow and mature.
she was our first, experience as grandparents and as a nicu baby born early we learned about the tiny ones.
Then our oldest grandson got married. It was short and sweet and with no frills.
They have dated five years, so it was time for them to make the decision happen.
They seem to be happy and ready to take on this new life decision.
Our other granddaughter one of the twins is having a baby (our first great grandchild) any day now.
She is having a little girl and as soon as we get the news, we will be in our trailer to go visit.
So many changes for this grandma.
It is ok I can manage the big feelings.
God is allowing us the opportunity to experience this wave of emotions.
He is with us.
We have our other twin doing well, and two other grandsons who are doing well.
One is driving now, that is a bit scary but it’s all a part of growing up.
My goal has always been to leave a legacy.
I want our grandchildren to think of us as those who loved.
Who prayed. Who supported.
I rarely say no if they ask me for something.
It is a privilege to be a grandma.
I remember my own with different emotions and feeling they, both were extremely different.
It’s hard for me to believe I have taken a pause, a break and a rest from writing.
I will be back soon.

Friendships are gifts we give ourselves

Friendships are gifts we give ourselves.
I have many long-term friends who have been in our lives for years.
They know us, but sometimes we have many months where we don’t talk or share.
It is ok, we still care deeply, and life gets busy.
As we age, we see the hardship of an older body. We watch others navigate crisis moments.
They show us how to be strong and flexible.
Of course, we also pray fervently for them, to recover.
Life is full of moments that catch us off guard.
A heart issue, an accident, a diagnosis we didn’t want to hear about.
Then we also have the good parts of friendship where we can lift each other up.
I value friendships and because my belief is if you are in my life, I want to make it good.
Life is too short for wasted moments.
The other day I was home, and a call came in from a longtime friend who I went to high school with many years ago.
They were in our area and wanted to come visit. It was a pleasant surprise, and I valued their idea to come visit.
What a great afternoon. My husband was not home but we visited anyway.
I was in her wedding, and we actually went to junior high together then moved to the high school.
She is the social butterfly of our ‘circle’. I am not. She convinced me to go to our 25th high school reunion.
I want to say it was boring and NOT my cup of tea. I knew no one and I wanted to go home and get in my bed.
I am by nature a loner. I like solitude and quiet.
I value this friend and even though we are not alike we are alike spiritually, and we do care for each other.
When I think of Jesus and the circle of friends who he spent time with, he showed us the example of sharing with others.
I think the gift we give to each other is treasured, and sacred.
Friendships are gifts we give ourselves.

Spring is coming very soon

Spring is coming very soon, and I wait for warmer days.
I don’t mind cool ones but to walk outside in the warmth of the sun it does something to your spirit.
Soon we can plant our garden and prepare the yard for flowers and beauty.
It is a wonderful time to be alive.
I heard recently that a musician that we are all familiar with passed away.
Goodness that is such a shock and it’s sad.
Life is precious and even though sometimes we can feel discouraged, I remember this is THE day the LORD made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Alot of my friends are scattered in different places but I still can pray and send encouraging notes to them.
That is what friendship is all about.
I care for you, and you care for me. We pray for each other, and we wish the best for each of our lives and families.
I went back to my oncologist a week or so ago and all is well as far as my cancer recovery.
That is a praise.
It is a journey that is stretching and sometimes difficult.
I seemed to move past it pretty fast and recovered well.
That gives me great joy and a lot to be thankful for.
Soon we will be great grandparents. HOW exciting is that?
Oh I so remember those newborn cuddles and squeals.
Such a blessing to be a part of and to be able to leave a legacy for this ‘new’ little one.
I honestly cannot wait.
Spring is a sign of new life. Summer is a sign of warmth and vacations and new babies.
So much to be thankful for.
I ask you how has your life been? Finding things to be thankful for and then saying, “thank you”.
It is a challenge for all of us no matter what we are going through.
Spring is coming very soon, and I wait for warmer days.