Psalm 91:14-16
“Because he loves me.” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
I read this today and really wanted to share a few things about it.
God promises to rescue us.
Have you ever been rescued? each of us have a story… I am sure…
of days that were tumultuous when God restored peace in the midst of the storm.
God promises to protect us.
Have you ever felt protected in a powerful way?
When you had NO doubt it was HIS protection that saved you.
God promises to answer us when we call to him.
Have you ever called out and heard back a small quiet ‘I am here’… in the midst of your panic?
God promises he will be with us in trouble and he will deliver us
and not only deliver us but honor us.
Remember yesterday when I was amazed how he rejoices over us and gives us praise?
Then he says ~ with long life I will satisfy him ~
that means we won’t be searching for other things to fill our hearts we will LOVE him and be fully satisfied in his love.
Then within that promise and process we will see salvation for what it is.
The beginning verse says. “Because he LOVES me.”
Is that a condition? I think so.
We have a response and he has a response. Just as it is with any relationship.
Oh that we can grasp his great love for us today for this new year.
The Lord says I will …over and over…
the question is will we love him so he can do what he has promised?
I love God's "I will" promises to us! Of course, many are conditional. I will…if you do. You are so right! Relationship!!!