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More pictures of our canoe trip.

I thought it looked interesting to have horses along a rivers edge.
These are from the Sunriver resort for those who are staying there.

Another strange site was a dog on the rivers edge it’s owner nearby trying to fish of course having nine canoes pass by him didn’t help his fishing goal.
I love to sit and observe the sites around us as we move quietly in the water.
It really is very relaxing.

Oh I love the quiet and the beauty and how does anyone ever say there is no God?

It is beauty and more beauty and very peaceful.
The fresh air is so good for us to breathe in and out.

In silence we rowed and just kept our thoughts to ourselves.
It really didn’t seem right to talk much.
It was a serene place.

Back at camp we put our tent away and said goodbye to tent camping.

We were loaded up and ready to go home.
Home is always a good place to go back to.

Detroit lake on the way home… beautiful and majestic.

Beautiful scene.
I think Mt Jefferson.

On our way home from off the side of the road near the three sisters mountains.

Heading home and still taking pictures.
The 2012 trip was over and I still have pictures to download.
Memories were made and we did enjoy ourselves even when it rained.
Central Oregon is a distant thought right now as we sit in 90+ heat.
I hope if you are reading this you are comfortable and able to enjoy our little bit of Oregon.