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The writers challenge has ended and I am few days late in sharing my thoughts.
The reason for the pause.
The 15th day challenge was harder for me to understand and grasp and if I can’t get wrapped around it how would I be able to share it with others?
His word for us was serve.
He said, “A great writer is a servant who doesn’t look to his own needs as a writer but to the needs of others who might be reading.”
“Write the first draft with the door closed and the second draft with the door open.”
Serving the audience of readers is learning to do things differently.
There are three ways of doing that according to the challenge.
Solve problems…answer questions…help people.
Each of these are new for me.
I don’t understand them.
He said to write to solve problems your audience might be having.
This might include telling a story about an experience of yours if it would help them to see the answer.
Answer questions basically means to write in such a way you would want if you were reading something.
Help people means do something for the audience of readers without them asking for it.
As I said before I don’t understand the meaning of this.
I realize the challenge is for us to step up and learn a new style or a skill but this last one confused me.
His challenge for us:
Do a give away. Find a product line or a special item to draw in more audience.
This is not my style.
Do a survey. Ask questions of your audience how you can do different.
This is not my style again.
Do an exchange if they subscribe you will give them something in return.
This is not my style again.
His next advise I can easily do.
Do not ignore your readers.
Answer all correspondence.
If someone takes the time to comment on your writing then you take the time to thank them.
He said we do this to be generous.
The art of writing is earned slowly and gradually.
The more known we become the more others will read what we have to say.
The more audience we receive we will begin to show growth.
To risk means to write the hard stuff along with the easy.
To risk is perhaps to move away from what is comfortable for us and challenge ourselves to do something different and new.
Are you comfortable when you do something out of ‘your box’ or way of thinking?
Have you been blessed when you have done it?
Shall we challenge each other to be open to a new process
even if that process for us doesn’t involve writing?
We always have opportunity to learn something new.
Instead of closing the door let’s open it and challenge ourselves to a new adventure.