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[The Lord is with you. He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with his love.] Zephaniah 3:17
Have you ever held a baby or small child who was crying, upset or very unsettled?
I have and have become aware of the fact that if I hold them close and whisper softly to them they would settle down and slowly I would feel the resistance leave as they lean into my shoulder and stop the fight.
I think this word picture could be the same for us and our relationship with Jesus.
“He will quiet you with his love.” I see this as a choice, HE WILL, because He wants to love deeply.
I had never thought of quiet love till Bonnie Gray challenged us in the book to think of it.
My personality gravitates more to quiet, peaceful people, I find it very disturbing to my spirit when people are loud and rude and non relational.
It probably goes back to some childhood issues; but really a quiet love is so much more relational and allows the freedom of growth and safety.
Learning to enjoy a quiet love is spiritual.
I often have no sound in our home, the quiet ministers to me and allows me space, like Bonnies first book, taught us about white space, in her book Finding spiritual whitespace.
It is freeing.
Many people are de-cluttering their homes and finding the process very healing and refreshing.
Removing things that have little meaning and that are taking up space that could be more useful.
In our retirement times I have chosen to have quiet interactions, walks without a lot of talking, driving with no sound on, just a quiet togetherness.
It is peaceful and surprisingly easy to do and as you find it to be a part of your every day.
We have so much that interrupts us, we must learn to choose a quiet love.
It is intentional and takes effort but it is so worth it when we make that choice.