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It’s a day for giving thanks.
Thanksgiving day. I remember so many holidays filled with food on the table, children and family.
This year will be different.
We will still cook the meal, the fresh frozen turkey that we ordered is thawing.
Picked up already made pumpkin pies from a local market we like, plus all the trimmings.
We have figured on line grocery shopping out and it is a new convenient way of getting what we need.
I will miss having family over.
I love the china and crystal and fancy table settings.
I love to use table cloths with napkins to match.
Sometimes fresh flowers too.
This year it will be only two of us and our two cats who get no treats.We will share our meal with a porch pick up for our grand daughter and her boyfriend.
We will also give a plate to our neighbor who is alone.
It’s such a different year we have to adapt to the new ideas.
It is a change that is hard but so necessary.
This virus and the need for staying home is affecting everyone.
I am not happy about it but I also know it’s very important to stay inside.
Our governor has stated there could be a fine if people were not listening to the rules.
Or even jail time. Which is quite ridiculous considering this is family time and a holiday.
It is kind of crazy the way this all has come out.
This virus is like none other and is very sneaky.
It is meant to do great harm.
Because I have cancer and radiation history I must be very careful.
Really all of us have to be careful.
One holiday won’t hurt us especially if we manage to keep ourselves safe.
I am thankful for family, for friends, for phone calls and texts that keep us together.
Thanksgiving, it’s a day for giving thanks.