Ann Voscamp writes a beautiful blog called ‘A Holy Experience’.
If you have never experienced her style of writing and her words from the heart I encourage you to add yourself on her blog list. You can click onto it from the emblem on the right in my favorite section.
A few weeks ago there was a writing conference in Hershey Pennsylvania called The Relevant conference. Ann was one of the speakers and so many of the ladies who attended it have been writing about their thoughts and feelings this last week. It is has been such a blessing to read them and see what God has done. Ann was just one of the many speakers who shared their hearts and their words from God to a group of ladies who were searching and who went with the hopes to improve their writing and increase their readers.
They say that is not what they learned.
It wasn’t about ‘blog readership’ it was about the Lord meeting them in a new and deeper way.
One of the blogs I read shared what Ann said to them and I am now going to share it with you.
I hope it is ok to do that.
I felt the words were so real and so true they must be shared whether you know who Ann is or not. This blog is often about healing and God’s ability to take what was broken and make it whole again. Sometimes it is different but most of the time is returns to the question, “how are you doing with God?”
This is what the blog writer shared from Ann:
You don’t have to come to the keyboard knowing what you are going to say. It comes from God to us to heal us and then through our story to heal another. Story is the way the Spirit of God binds our wounds. When these words find their mark. God heals two hearts ~ yours and mine.
When I read this I said ‘YES’ to myself.
That is what this blog has been for… to share stories of hope and healing.
To share that we must often step back and think about the journey we have been walking and living before we can press forward.
To share what God is doing in and through the power of words~ good and bad.
Someday I want to go to the relevant conference but not to go and find out how to increase blog numbers or readers or visits. But to go and find out how to focus in and draw deeply from the well of God’s grace and mercy and wisdom and love. So that can be shared in a deep and meaningful way to those who read.
This blog has always been God’s.
It is not about me and I hope it has not reflected a ‘me’ attitude.
Some things shared might be personal but the intention is always to challenge the readers into a new and deeper ‘way’ of thinking.
I hope it does… I hope it challenges… I hope it encourages…I hope it shows a peaceful gentle spirit who ‘sits’ with me in the chair as I write and listen and then push ‘publish’.
The prayer from my heart is give the reader ‘something to think about’ and give God the glory in the process.
If that ever changes and the story becomes different.
I will close down the blog and end it.
So very true! I often head out with my camera not knowing what I'll shoot but if I take the time, slow down, and listen with my heart I end up shooting exactly what/where I need to be. I think the hardest thing in today's world is to slow down, open ourselves up and simply trust what He is doing.
I've been reading some of the comments from the Relevant Conference and it was such a blessing to hear that what was emphasized was our walk with the Lord, not the # of our followers. I did not see that quote of Ann's but it is beautiful. I did copy a prayer that she issued in one of her posts that has a similar bent. If I can find it again, I will send you a copy because she said it would be OK to tweet it, etc.
Thank you for your strong principles.