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In the last post I shared what our pastor has been teaching and today’s post is part two of ‘the increase’ series.
On Sunday he continued with the concept that God has given us everything.
His provision is always with us and the way we access it; is by fully trusting in Him.
Trust is a foundation for many relationships including the one we have with God.
Pastor said we often see an increase of faith after a season of loss.
“The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3
Trust is so crucial to our growth and our basic belief.
Then he moved into a story that was interesting, I have read it before but this was a new ‘twist to it’.
Daniel was a prophet of the Old Testament and the story is about a conversation he had with an angel.
10:12 {Then he said to me, “Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words.”} Daniel prayed but it took 21 days for the angel to arrive to speak to him because of interference from the forces of the enemy. Basically he said, your prayers were heard but it took time to reach you.
Pastor said often times there is more going on behind the scenes then we are aware of, we are just waiting… thinking that nothing is happening.
We feel that our requests went no where and that is often not true.
Then he shared about the story when Lazarus Jesus friend got sick and passed away.
Jesus told the disciples that the delay for him to go to Lazarus was for their sake, for their faith to increase while waiting. Even though they grieved and couldn’t realize why Jesus was not coming to him.
HE knew a greater story would be told after they experienced the miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.
Jesus knew the importance of time when grieving someone who was loved.
Pastor said, lamenting is an important part of grief. It cannot be short circuited.
He said sometimes the best one who can walk alongside you in your time of grief; is the one who can be quiet.
Then he shared the story of Job and how his family, his home, his job and everything including his health was destroyed so that in the end; his faith could be stronger.
He also shared that this can be very misunderstood.
God doesn’t take away so we can benefit from that loss, but He does enable us to grow within the experience of loss. The concept and question; will we become bitter or better?
He also taught the way NOT to be with someone who is suffering.
In the story his wife said to him, ‘curse God and die.’ That is not encouraging or helpful.
Job had no one who would encourage him as he grieved. It is hard to understand the story of Job. Why he had to go through so much and in the end he was blessed more abundantly than before, I don’t pretend to know the why … I just know Job stayed strong.
Pastor said, sometimes our outcome is way different than the beginning.
Loss of health could equal peace, loss of relationship could equal honor, loss of job could equal presence, loss of dreams could equal purpose, loss of a marriage could equal hope. Nothing is without a reason.
There is always an eternal perspective on our lives whether we realize it or not.
Sometimes loss is preparing us for a greater good. We just don’t see it till the process is over.
Romans 8:28 {And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.}