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Our last look at the topic of hurt.
Pastor was saying last Sunday that our hurts often define us.
He said, “If we let the hurt and pain shape us then we allow the hurt to move into something good. Remove the negativity that is attached to the hurt and build on what could be strong in it.”
He said, “A survivor looks for sympathy. An over comer looks for majesty.”
That is a thought that has stopped me in my tracks a few times this week.
Do I look for the majestic moments in the ‘trauma’ of life?
How do we live our lives as over comers?
We pray.
“Lord shape me through the hurt, help it not to define my identity,
help it to grow me into a better stronger person
who can help others in the process of their pain and heartache.”
Can we allow ourselves to  know that God’s heart breaks over our heart break?
He is sad when we are sad.
He weeps and keeps track of our weeping. Every tear is recorded.
Pastor said, “If you don’t see the opportunity in the midst of the pain ~ you loose the lesson.”
“Healing is like a moving target, it feels healed and then it is not, it feels settled then it is not. It is a continual process of deep internal work. Healing is not the absence of pain, healing is the step to wholeness that we desire through the pain.”
It takes movement on our part and trust too.
Pastor said, “If you do the possible, God will do the impossible. God will bless you through the hurt and he will join you in it, you are not and have not been alone.”
He said, “Being an over comer is allowing the hurt to strengthen and shape you.
The final result will be HOPE…
the only hope that comes from a healing caring God.”