Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.”
Today I just want to remind us all that God promises again and again…
He won’t leave us or abandon us or leave us fearful or alone.
The verse above has a promise and a strong ‘command’…
an order from authority. says command is to direct with specific authority or prerogative, to be in charge of or have responsibility for; a single instruction.
God said ‘I have commanded you’~ be strong and take courage.
Don’t fear or get discouraged. You are not ever alone.
I find this to be a peaceful thought.
When I wake up and feel ‘down’ and fearful of the worlds unrest.
When I find myself fearing ‘what if’… I am told by the Lord God who loves me to be strong and take courage. Take courage means action…I must choose something.
I have had to be strong at times in my life when I wanted to run and hide.
I had to be bold when I wanted to be fearful. I did it then so I know I can do it again.
Last night on the news they announced that there seems to be a war out against police officers. Quoting that 11 have been shot nationwide in 24 hours. My son is a uniformed officer. He is sworn in to protect and to serve. He wears a full uniform and drives a marked car. He is at risk everytime he puts his bullet proof vest on and enters his car for duty.
This news announcement is not ‘calm’ news to a mother. I have to let my fear go and realize God is in charge. The angels are with him and God will protect him and all the others in uniform.
I am glad he promises so much. It feels good to know we are not alone.
Not left to fight our battles on our own.
That God cares enough to promise the Lord God will be with you wherever you go.
How are you feeling today~ can you be strong and take courage with me as we read about the unrest and the worlds dangers.
Can we know deep in our hearts…that God is with us?
These words comfort me when nothing else will. Sometimes…just to know He's there. That is all I need. He is enough.
I am just reading this today. I have been off line for a few days due to a cold. My thoughts and prayers are with your brave son and his fellow officers. May the Lord hold all of them in the palm of his hand.