On day thirteen of the writers challenge the word for us is publish.
He said great writers do well because of perseverance not necessarily because of talent.
He said they understand the concept that unless it is published and in print it is not as valued.
He said often times new writers are fearful of having new readers or even having their writings read for fear of rejection or other comments.
Get over it.
He said it is not enough to write a blog.
If someone wants to be bigger and go further they need to be able to write well enough to get it published. He said it might be for a magazine.
For a newspaper.
A book.
He said for us to pick the project we are most afraid of
then do it.
I always thought it would be interesting to write something for guidepost magazine or even readers digest.
It would take determination to try.
A willingness to stretch myself and a time commitment to write the post.
So are we up for this new ‘challenge’?
I say, "GO FOR IT"!
I have four books started. I'm needin' some of that perserverance poured into me right now. What I really need is an editor 😉
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