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I am late on the word prompt from last Friday as we were not home.
So I thought I would try it this time in the middle of the week.
The word for the day was Find.
Proverbs 8:35 
For he who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord.
There were many directions I could go with this word but what came to me over and over.
Is this thought. Who ever finds me finds life.
Life that is different. Full of hope and rest and constant knowing love and acceptance.
Proverbs 8:17
I love those who love me and those who seek me diligently find me.
Wonderful promises to hold onto. In order for something to be found usually one has to be seeking.
On a search, a mission to find it. Looking for it with great anticipation of finding it.
What a lovely thought that God in his wisdom put the word find 270 times in the bible.
That is a lot. It has impact and power.
Those who diligently seek me find me.
He knows our heart and He doesn’t hide from us.
He makes himself available.
Are you looking today?
He is available to you, I can even venture to say, He is waiting for you to find him.
Let me find favor in your sight, oh Lord.