The whole purpose of the word prompt is to write for five minutes without editing.
Just free style writing.
The word for the day is: Learn
I had to learn how to enjoy the water.
The older I have gotten it is peaceful, calm and very refreshing to be out in the wind and air.
I am not a swimmer so water scares me especially if I cannot touch the bottom.
If I ever dumped out of the canoe I would be terrified.
Each year we take a canoe trip, and we camp for a few days spending two days on the water.
I have shared about it before, one year we got dark clouds and rain.
One year one of our team dumped their canoe and what could have been a scary part of the journey ended up fine for that year, but it was and could be very dangerous.
We have hiked some, and also gone in town for pizza.
We have a great time of laughing and enjoying each others company.
I haven learned to trust the canoe, the man I am with who is my husband and the knowledge of those around us as I sit inside this canoe and learn to enjoy the peaceful water.
Anytime we learn something new we take a chance and we change.
We come out braver and more bold and more ready and willing to do it again. I am glad I was not afraid to learn to a new thing.
It has become a great blessing to me.
I don't think I'll ever tire of learning new things, Sharon. Love the photos, too! Blessings!
The scenery is beautiful! That alone could take your mind off of the water below you, couldn't it? 🙂
Tammy ~@~
very nice photos.
I've never thought about learning leading to bravery. Good stuff!
Great post Sharon !! Love this line especially "Anytime we learn something new we take a chance and we change" And theres the trust thing. Really good encouragement – thank you !!