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The challenge given last Friday was to write for five minutes on one specific word.
Do not edit or revise. I have to admit it took me a bit longer than five minutes.
The word given was see:
Psalm 34:7-9
The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him,
And rescues them.
O taste and see that the Lord is good;
How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!
O fear the Lord, you His saints;
For to those who fear Him there is no want.
I have had this verse in my head for several days now.
When I read this passage it brings comfort to me.
The angel of the Lord encamping around us protecting us from harm.
We saw a show the other day called the march of the Penguins.
It was amazing to see.
They were recording the way the mama and the daddy penguin would protect the little egg away from the cold and the harsh climate.
They would spread their wings or whatever they are called around the little egg and hold it deep around their feet doing everything in their power to allow that little egg to hatch alive and not become frozen.
I see this very similar to us.
Because of his love we are rescued and kept safe.
Once we know and experience that love we never want to leave or let it go away.
It is peace and comfort and safety for us.
His tenderness along with his power makes us feel safe.
Those large penguins were very careful to not drop or crush those fragile baby eggs.
In the same way perhaps God is that way with us.
Maybe that is stretching it too far as we all know calamity and harm does happen.
But we are promised a place of rescue and a place of peace within.
O taste and SEE that the Lord is good.
I think it is a beautiful way for us to know and remember that we are not alone.