After the latest news events of our world I think it’s really important for us all to lean into what calms our spirit deep inside.
The invitation to come and find the quiet center is very inviting.
We were at a high school choir concert and the choir had on their robes and they sat down on the stage and sang this very quiet spiritual melody and I was immediately pulled into the thought.
One of my quiet centers is at the beach where the waves lull me into a peace that is deep and restful.
In fact I am at the beach right now, watching the waves from a window.
Soon I will go outside and meditate on it’s beauty, breathe in the fresh air, and pause with deep breathes.
Come and find the quiet center.
What is your place of restoration and quiet?
Do you faithfully allow yourself that time to renew and restore your ‘inner peace’?
I know my husband loves to go to a central Oregon lake to fish.
The water is peaceful and even though it could be dangerous, it is not the focus when restoring a spirit.
Come and find… it’s an invitation. A calling out, to those who are busy and worn out.
Come and find; what you are missing, what you are needing, what is healing for your soul and spirit.
It requires some movement from us and also an anticipation of hope restored.
The bible mentions rest 623 times.
[28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.] Matthew 11:28-29
Come to me, come and find…the quiet center.
I personally thrive better in silence.
I like music and I like some noise, but not in the morning when my mind is slowly engaging with waking up.
The other day we purchased peaches and as I look at that fruit, there is an inside that one cannot see from the outside, very similar to a seed of an avocado. The seed is the center, not seen.
Our inner peace is like that.
Perhaps our outside looks ‘great’ but only the inside ‘core’ of who we really are tells the truth.
Come and find the quiet center is an invitation for us to look inward.
Are you ready for the challenge?
Oh, how I love the quiet, too, Sharon! Yes, I make sure each day, more than once, to dwell in that center of silence where God speaks.