Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.
Oprah Winfrey
As I have been thinking of my word of the year and processing what it means for me.
I was reminded of the time many years ago when I was in our Lamaze class preparing to have our first baby.
The instructor told us, when a contraction comes close breathe through it as you count, relax and breathe.
I have found myself doing that pretty much all my life since then.
Breathing in, a cleansing breath and breathing out the old.
It is both relaxing and good for one to slow down just enough to breathe.
In fact when it was time for me to deliver our daughter who is almost 39 years old, I remember clearly the breathing I did.
All night long, I felt it was not time to deliver but just a lot of pressure.
Breathing, in and out, deep cleansing breathes.
When we arrived at the hospital I was very close to delivering her and I didn’t even know it because I was so relaxed and so focused on the breathing process.
I think that is what we all need.
To focus, slow down and breathe.
It has been cold outside in our area in fact snow fell last night and the air was very cold when we were outside.
We went for a walk and I found myself focusing on the cold air, breathing in and breathing out.
I found it healing in a way for me to not only walk for health but to also focus on breath.
I could feel it, and I kind of felt like I needed an inhaler to help me, but the air was cold and it was so good as I kept walking.
As we focus on breath let us remember this one thought.
Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! praise the Lord! Psalm 150:6
Your post here, Sharon, makes me want to focus more on my breathing, too. It is such an easy way to relax, and one we too easily overlook.
I do the deep breathing thing when I wake in the middle of the night and try to fall back to sleep. It works 98% of the time! xo