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Be at peace if you can, when you read the news reports, and listen to the chaos and troubles.
Remember there is peace.
On the other side of the turmoil and trauma. There will be peace.
Keep your eyes focused not on the negative or the hard reality of mask wearing and shut downs.
Keep your eyes focused on the God who is in control of all that is around us.
When we see massive hurricanes, flooding, sorrow and chaos, we can cling to the truth that we know.
God will not allow anything to happen if it is not meant to happen.
Now sometimes sin gets in the way and some make dangerous choices that test God’s patience.
Harm does come to some.
But in the big picture I think we need to continue to trust and be in peace if we can.
When I open the word, my bible, it tells me that I am loved.
It tells me that I am protected, and if His eye is on the sparrow, I know HE watches me even MORE.
I am saddened by all the chaos in the world.
I am concerned for my grand children and the world they will continue to grow up in and maybe have families.
But I also know that this world is a glorious beautiful place.
So there is balance. Sorrow and then joy. Sadness and peace at a later time.
It is hard to stay focused and not let it all wear me down.
Trust is a big word and probably the hardest at this point in our time in history.
The media will do what it can to stir the pot and make us all feel out of control.
Fear is a powerful tool and if that can penetrate the circle we live in, then it is not us that is winning.
I choose to be positive. I choose to look at the good.
Sometimes I have to look harder but it is there always.
Be at peace if you can, when you read the reports and listen to the news.
I think it’s the most important thing we can do.