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Following my desire for more order in our home; I decided to work on my sock drawers in the bedroom.
After realizing that three dresser drawers were full of socks it was time to go through them and decide what stays and what gets repurposed.
Really how many socks can one person wear?
I wanted to get to my favorites.
Each drawer will have favorite warm socks, and short socks. If there is no comfort, they leave, I don’t need to keep them if they are not helpful for my feet.
In the last year the doctor has given me a diagnosis of pre-diabetes.
Which basically means socks and shoes are very important since neuropathy is a also a part of my new ‘set of issues’ with my feet. They have lost some feeling in them and they ache a lot.
It is important to have good socks that don’t bind or feel too tight or are too light weight for the comfort level that is needed.
I sorted and sorted. Kept my emotions far away from the decision to cut the numbers down.
In the end of the process so far, I have 85 pair of socks that can be sent somewhere.
They are all in good shape and all can be repurposed for other use for others who are in need.
I need to do this process with shoes and even the abundant supply of sweaters in the closet.
How many do you need? It is a great question and even a greater question when moving into the coat closet.
How many ‘good coats’ do we need, how many rain coats even in Oregon, do we need.
It all boils down to realizing how much stuff we have that we really do not need or use anymore.
I hope this mini series has been both encouraging and challenging because we all have work to do.
We all can help others in many ways; we just have to be creative and figure out how.
Are you ready for this challenge to?