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A time for listening and learning.
In the professional writing group I have joined there is a guest speaker every Tuesday
bringing to us new topics and new ideas.
What I am learning about as I listen; the whole point of writing is to become authentic, real and open.
Not spending a lot of time on meaningless words but to focus on words that have value.
Sharing the voice inside and the meaning so that there is no guess work as to what you are trying to share to the reader.
Learning to have white space and less words, listening to the content as you write.
They share the point that if you are a writer there is no down time.
When you have nothing to share and you feel dry and drained, all one has to do is look around, observe the world and discover stories to share.
I see that often if I go to the store, or mall or even church.
Stories of people that I can see, or share or discover.
I am sort of a people person, I love to ask questions and receive ‘personal answers.’
I am also a very private person, but when visiting I like to get into the real ‘words’ with them not the shallow parts of conversation.
The process of writing takes time, maturity and practice.
To take the risk and share and then be perhaps even vulnerable and real at the same time.
The most important part of writing is to remain faithful to the goal, intention and journey.
Everyone’s process is different. Everyone has stories to share and words to write.
It takes discipline and drive to get the words down and the paragraphs written.
Rejection or fear cannot hold you back. If you write with the intention of pleasing others you won’t write it or spend the time learning how to write it well.
This group is teaching me to be true to my message, vision and aspiration as a writer.
It has been money well spent.