The last few months have been rather busy with grand children and other assorted things.
At one point in time when it was really quiet… and calm
I felt a nudge from the Lord.
Now I am not saying I had a ‘real’ audible conversation with the Lord but it is a knowing…an internal conviction.
Ever had one of those?
The conversation went a bit like this.
“Do you remember when you received the word Quiet for the word of the year?”
I said, “Yes.”
“Well sometime the meaning of Quiet is not so obvious.
You were anticipating solitude. Silence.
Moments where you just take in the goodness and beauty in a complete peaceful space.”
“Yeah that was the idea. You know. Be still and know that I am God.”
There was silence.
Then the revelation came to me.
Sometimes Quiet is also keeping your mouth and your opinions closed.
Saying nothing when you really want to say something.
Making an opinion when it is not needed or wanted.
Quiet… Be STILL… and know…
That I am God.
It was as if He was telling me:
I can take care of those moments where you want to take over the control. You have the drive inside you to make things change and move in a direction of your choice.
Be Still… means to do nothing.
Quiet… is not just a moment of silent meditation and studying of the word.
Quiet can be a form of worship.
It is in the process of saying nothing where you will learn and allow me to teach you.
The other meaning of Quiet.
It is then that you will have a teachable moment.
God used this to speak to me! I need to be quiet and let Him have the control!
This is good Sharon , thank you for sharing.
Yes, I need to be still and quiet if I am to hear His voice. Thank you for sharing.