The Friday challenge word is comfort.
You write for five minutes without editing. Then publish.
I am not sure how to write this mothers day weekend.
The bond of sisters is comforting.
I am the youngest of three.
I guess that has a perk but I have never felt how special being the youngest should be.
Our lives were different and our world was very different growing up.
I cannot say our ‘earlier’ growing up years were full of comfort.
Unless you count the nights of warm wash rags and Vick’s vapor rub on chests that could not even try to breath in a decent breath of air.
I personally don’t remember comfort as part of our younger ‘growing up years’.
Comfort means peace.
a warm blanket kind of snuggling and a knowing…
A knowing that you would be safe.
We did not have that.
But as adults we do.
I have a knowing that I can call my sister any time in tears and trauma and she will listen with open arms and open heart.
I am thankful.
God gives us comfort.
A peace that passes ALL understanding.
That is a lot like a wonderful, comfortable sister relationship.
I am glad to say I have a sister.
A sister is comfort no matter what time of day it is.
I have no sisters, so I've always been a bit jealous of that relationship. I am glad you are able to find comfort in your sisters.
Happy Mothers Day to you and yes, it's a blessing to have a sister in your life. Dina N(