I walked out to the mail box this morning and I heard the call of a mourning dove.
Between that haunting sound and the sound of the geese in the air I am not sure which one is my favorite.
I love them all.
There is something magical about the quiet and the sound of a bird singing.
We could learn something from them.
They don’t need an audience.
They don’t need applause.
They don’t even need approval.
All they seek is to worship.
The creator who gave them song for a reason.
It comes from their desire to call out to the one who made them.
“But ask the animals what they think ~ let them teach you; let the birds tell you what’s going on.
Put your ear to the earth ~ learn the basics. Listen ~ the fish in the ocean will tell you their stories.
Isn’t it clear that they all know and agree that God is sovereign, that he holds all things in his hand ~ Every living soul, yes every breathing creature? Job 12:7-12
It IS something for us to think about.
(photo by Papa O)
Lovely post. Bird song is the sign of hope, good things that are coming (such as spring!). An old neighbour of mine used to be able to tell the weather by certain bird song…and she was NEVER wrong. Take care. Chel