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A new month and a time of worship.
This is the season leading up to Easter.
In the Christian world many are doing a purposeful time of sabbath, a quiet moving towards the day.
When our children were little it all surrounded around the little ones, easter egg hunts were fun.
The decorations and fancy dresses or good shirts and pants were festive and nice.
The dinners with family and the time of celebrations were added into those moments.
Now we don’t have any little ones and I do enjoy the quiet moving towards, the season.
The story of Easter is hard, it is celebrations, and it is grief so intense no one can put words on it.
Palm Sunday the people were excited to see Jesus, they praised him and greeted him as he rode into town on a donkey.
Did you know that every donkey has a cross on its back into the fur? Interesting fact.
The time of celebrations were loud and as the movies show on tv very exciting and happy.
Then not even seven days later the mood changed, and the passion of Christ became more evident as he was put on a cross.
That had to be the most horrific way to die, and so much was hard, and confusing and grief intense.
The story is found in the New Testament.
It was written for us to remember, for us to understand, for us to grasp.
It was planned out just as Christmas and the birth of Jesus was, the death was planned too.
[For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, so that whoever believes in him shall not perish.]
It is all about choice, and belief and hope given.
Psalm Sunday was the festive beginning leading into the week of Easter.
We read the story and we sing the songs, but do we grasp within our hearts the intensity and the love?
A new month and a time of worship.