It was thirty seven years ago… our son was three years old and looking forward to being a big brother.
I was so glad the new baby came later than his birthday, as he really wanted his party first and even though she came early it was after his big day of turning three and becoming a big boy.
Six days later I delivered a beautiful baby girl, after four hours of labor.
She was five pounds and a few ounces and very tiny, with a sweet round head and darker hair than I ever imagined. I had to have an emergency C-section because she was in the wrong position.
It was fine with me as long as we were both fine and healthy.
We named her Sarah Kathleen meaning “Princess, dear to my heart.”
She changed our family of three to four and immediately brought so much completion to our family.
We were young and didn’t really know what we were doing with two little ones, but we managed and we grew together as a family.
Sweet baby bringing so many sweet memories.
So long ago.
We have been so blessed to watch her grow from a little girl,
to a young girl, to a teen and than to a mom.
It is both amazing and a blessing to say, “Happy 37th birthday,”
God gave us a beautiful daughter, a sister for her brother,
and years later a mommy to her beautiful daughters.
A tiny daughter was born to you, then twins joined your world.
They all were preemies, Faith was 2 lbs 11oz and Hannh and Alexis
were 4.6 and 4.10 all were so tiny and so precious.
Three sisters hand in hand walking together in this journey you provided for them.
A daughter was born.
Then three more joined the story.
The circle of life continues and we rejoice in their beauty.
We are proud of all of you.
I am proud to be your mom, and especially proud to be their grandma.
We will always be here for you and always remind you how much God is blessing you.
A daughter was born and we are so very thankful.
Happy birthday to your girl!