When I think of this song, Amazing Grace, I remain in complete AWE for the concept of Grace.
Unmerited favor, not deserving. Not even qualified to receive it, YET we do, because of God.
I don’t like the term, ‘that saved a wretch’ like me, but really without the love of God surrounding us, we are broken people.
The dictionary says, [a deplorably unfortunate or unhappy person. a person of despicable or base character.]
I really think we are made new and whole when we truly feel and experience Amazing Grace.
Deep down in the depth’s of our spirit.
His love surrounds us and reaches us in the deepest painful parts of ourselves.
‘I once was lost, but now I’m found, I was blind but now I see.’
It becomes more clear to us and we become more aware of the deep, deep love HE has for us.
I pray you take a few minutes and listen to this beautiful song.
It is powerful, healing and it ministers to me whenever I hear it, he sings with an ability like no other.
I pray you are able to sit back and really listen to him.
He is a gifted singer …. look him up if you want more of his music
This was absolutely awesome, Sharon!!! Thanks so much for sharing, my friend. Blessings!