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Following on the topic of children.
I am a child advocate and I have been very upset and angry at a show that TLC has on its station.
Maybe I have said this before but little children and especially little babies should be just that.
They have innocence no one has the right to remove.
They are precious and they should be protected.
They are not beauty queens and they should not forced to be.
They are not competitors either.
They are not puppet’s to fulfill some mother’s unfilled need to be a winner at any cost.
I have never watched the show in it’s entirety because I dislike it so much.
I have seen previews and that was enough for me to form an opinion.
I think it should be illegal. Just as it is illegal to exploit children in other instances why shouldn’t this show be illegal? They are forcing little girls, to dress up like Vegas girls and show off and dance and it just makes my stomach turn. What are these parents thinking and especially what are they trying to prove? It is incredibly sad to me that the parents have agreed to do this in return for money.
The previews have shown little ones screaming and crying because the dresses are itchy and they don’t want makeup on and they are tired and they are children who just want to play and be little.
I think the mom’s should STOP.
I think the producers should STOP.
I think the station is wrong to promote this type of show.
Who is protecting the children?
Never would I force a child to do anything against their will.
Oh I have made them realize it is bedtime when they are not minding and way too tired to make a good choice for themselves.
I don’t force them to eat… I negotiate. Let’s count… if you eat two to four bites then you can get down. Children can have a voice and they do tell us if we listen when they feel safe or not.
This show is wrong.
It is never ever ok to have these kinds of shows that devalue the life of a little child.
It is sickening to make these little precious ones prance around stage as if they are 35.
Today I just wanted to share my opinion however strong it is.
I was going to post a picture of the show but the whole concept makes my stomach turn.
I can’t do it. 
If you don’t know the show just imagine…
what toddlers and tiaras would look like.