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To our son, Christopher.
Today is your birthday.
Thirty eight years ago at 5:29 pm we became first time parents.
We were young.
We were not sure what we were doing.
We learned as we faced the life changes a little baby can create
and we adapted to our new normal.
Our home at the time was a tiny three room cottage that included a small bathroom with a claw foot bathtub and your bedroom was
a crib length wide and two crib lengths long.
It was our beginning. 
The start of our family.
That was many years ago and we have seen many changes since then.
You grew up and left high school and then headed to college where you met and you married your college sweetheart.
It has been a thrill and a blessing to meet your three sons.
As the generations continue we remain amazed and thankful at God’s faithfulness and beauty.
Happy Birthday son.
It has been great to watch you become the man you are today.
Always remember you have our prayers and our love.