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The gift of friendship is one that I do not take lightly.
We just got back from a trip to central Oregon to see my good friend and her husband.
Our boys used to play together and it has been a friendship of over 30 years.
It was a wonderful time of sharing with each other and also exploring a little of the area.
We went to the high desert museum which has been on my husband’s bucket list.
It was a hot day and to be inside some of the time was nice.
My friend and I have been close for many years. She is a gift to me.
As we have aged we have changed in our physical appearances and also our health.
Both of us are dealing with potential problems that should they get worse; we will need additional help.
We pray for each other and we encourage each other.
It is a friendship of comfort. There are no games and no hidden agenda’s.
It is a friendship that challenges the best in us to come out and the not so good to leave.
I value her and her wisdom and her ability to rise above her situations.
She is a warrior who survived losing her first husband, and who waited for over 7 years for the right ‘other’ man of her dreams to come into her life. She is happy and loved now.
She is classy and smart and I am so very glad to be a part of her life.
The gift of friendship is just that, a gift we unwrap carefully and then treasure.
It is something that creates in us a ‘feeling’ of value.
I believe in her and she believes in me. We pray for each other and always want the best for each other.
“Many people will walk in and out of your life but only true friends leave footprints in your heart.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt