Sorry for the long delay, we have been busy.
Our house is on the market and we have been scrambling to get the rooms ready for showing.
I packed almost 30 boxes over the weekend of various assorted office things and miscellaneous clothes.
It is exhausting. We have not moved for 23 years and wow… it’s been a journey.
We had the house officially go online yesterday and by afternoon had two showings.
That means we put the cats in the little bathroom and then we leave for a while.
It was easy since it was my husbands 65th birthday. We had dinner at Spaghetti factory and then came home.
I have more packing to do, we do have a home we are hoping to get into but it’s an estate and well… we have to wait for the family to open it.
Our house doesn’t have an offer yet so it is a wait and see, pray and wait kind of thing.
I am trusting in this process. Our house is a two story and we really need to get a single level.
It will be good to have a new place with no stairs.
I have a few ideas for new writing coming soon, just need to make the time to do it.
In the middle of all this packing.
Tonight I am looking out my office window and I can see the coast range and a deep orange red sunset.
I will miss this view but I can also get used to a new ‘view’ and setting.
Life is full of changes and a move can be really hard on emotions and on patience.
I am trying desperately hard to stay calm and trust…the process.
I am also recovering from a dental surgery that has been two weeks of recovery with four more to go.
Many stressors, and life changes. I will need to go back to the oral surgeon and have a back molar removed.
Yeah that doesn’t sound like fun, but I know it will just be a nap and then I will be going home.
So that is what has been going on. Hope your life is going well, and no big issues going on.
Take care and I will write soon. (our second home we lived in, the first was an apartment in a daylight basement.
Both of our babies were born here, it was a sweet ‘tiny home’ with a wonderful porcelain claw foot tub.
Oh, wow, Sharon, your life is so hectic right now! I will keep you in prayer for your move and for all the oral surgeries ahead. Blessings, my friend!