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The word quiet is mentioned in the Bible 66 times.
Seems like a pretty significant number to me.
Perhaps it is a desire for us to slow down, and return to the peace that only God can give.
I know I talk a lot about finding peace, quiet and solitude moments.
It is nurturing to our souls.
Some people love to have a hot cup of tea and read a good book wrapped up in a favorite blanket.
Now that it is fall weather and soon winter we will have many opportunities for those ‘restful’ times.
Other people love to knit or crochet, or sew or like me, write.
Could there even be a place just for those moments?
A favorite chair you always sit in, a favorite reading room, a coffee shop or even a library.
I don’t find peace in public places so my spot would always be at home.
Right now I am in our ‘trailer’ looking out at the roaring waves of the ocean.
Whatever it takes for you to create your space. Restore it, and give it value.
[My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.] Isaiah 32:18
I love this promise.
Peaceful habitation and quiet resting places.
In secure dwellings… yes so very important.
When we used to go camping it didn’t feel safe to me to sleep in a tent.
I want a solid wall and a lock on our door.
Especially now that we are older and the world is so crazy and unpredictable.
We can also restore our ‘quiet spirit’ within ourselves.
There are many voices now telling us many things either on the news, or social media.
The test is how we can restore the quiet.
Our Pastor was sharing that social media has been disappointing to him; as it seems that people are talking not only to get their opinions heard but talking over each other and with louder voices.
I think we need to focus on the soft words, the gentle attitudes with the tones that encourage.
It is a great challenge for us to restore a place of quiet.
Are we up for the challenge?
[but let it be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable jewel of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which in God’s sight is very precious.] 1st Peter 3:4