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In the midst of sharing Christmas writings I didn’t feel it was appropriate to fit in our new addition.
So as the 2013 year ends we begin 2014 with not one new kitten but two sweet little girls.
My husband had fears around me not wanting to go travel and do some fun things if I had a kitty.
I came up with the idea of …
“if we go traveling and have two they won’t be lonely when we are gone.”
After some time of thinking and pondering the situation.
Both emotionally and financially he agreed it would be nice to have two kittens to join our family realizing after losing Smudge this was the first time in 30 years I had not had a ‘cat’.
This was a huge loss for me.
His final decision was: He would pick the next one out and then name it since Molly was named by me as I saw an M on her head.
We knew of some friends of ours who had a litter of five girls and I began to ask questions.
Then she shared pictures with me and then we went to go get our new baby.
The first day was a challenge.
They kept their distance from each other and were not sure of the new ‘change’.
It didn’t take too long though before they loved each other like sisters.
They fight and wrestle and then end up in a pile to sleep together.
It is adorable and peaceful to hear the purring again.

Miss Molly our first
Miss Mosey our second

They love boxes and wine corks

We were not sure how our old ‘Emma’ dog would deal with the additions to our home but she has adjusted just fine and will move out of the way if they bug her too much


Emma Rose age 14
Molly really likes Emma Rose