The experience in this place was not easy to forget.
First of all one has to drive out of Baker up to a high altitude to see the setting.
The journey through the Oregon trail for those who had to come by wagon trains and horse back had to have been intensely rough.
The roads are rugged, the landscape harsh. The water not easy to find.
The goal was to get to Oregon. It was a monumental task for all involved.
There was death, and loss and heavy intensive struggles and I couldn’t imagine going that far with no fresh food, no water, no bathrooms or showers.
We are spoiled in the sense of those thoughts. It was a journey for sure that took many months and many hardships for them.
There were two parts of the story. The white man’s part and the American Indians part. I was struck with the Indian history mostly because we met them on their lands.
It was a fiercely fought war and many died. It was hard for me to understand.
So much death and so much at stake and for so little, back then.
The landscape is so barren and so hot and full of sage brush and empty territory.
One had to have an imagination why, they traveled to come this way to the Oregon trail, from many states away ending up in Oregon City, Oregon.
The day was cooler for us and it gave me a ‘thought’ of how this must have been for the many who were traveling by wagon train and by foot.
The museum is well worth one’s time spent, we went in not knowing what to expect and came out close to 5 hours later fully aware of the hardships of the people.
So beautiful, so barren, so empty of life.
So much filled the hearts of those who were traveling for a better land and a better life, with so much hope, so much sadness all filled in one trip.
If you wish to read more on the topic, I am sure any local library or even online searching would tell you much more of the journey of the Oregon Trail.
I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult life was for those early pioneers . . . Thanks for sharing, Sharon!