For the last few years I have spent time listening to receive what the ‘new’ word would be for that year.
There have been a variety of words that have come; each giving meaning to what the year might represent.
Not always knowing how the ‘word’ would come to me, I wait and listen and see if it feels right in my ‘heart’.
The other day I took a 2018 find your word of truth test by dayspring and it gave me a word based on my answers to these questions.
1. A year from now looking back on 2018, what would you be most proud of accomplishing?
I decluttered my life. I prioritized God and His calling on my life.
2. Which of these do you most often need to be reminded about?
Slow down. Tune in. Look up. Make sure your heart is where your feet are.
3. Out of these sets of words, which ones are things you want to prioritize in 2018?
Intentionality, purpose and quietness
4. Which bible character do you want to be like in 2018?
Ruth she loved her mother-in-law with selfless devotion and chose joy through multiple hardships and disappointments
5. Which verse resonates with where you are today?
Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:16
6. What is something you wished you had done more of in 2017?
Went for it. stepped out of my comfort zone more.
7. What is God calling you to do the most in 2018?
Make time for his plans in your life
The word I received after answering these tests.
Simplify – so I looked up the meaning to see what that would mean for me.
Simplify: to make less complicated, clearer, or easier
Simple: easy to understand, deal with; not elaborate or artificial; unaffected; unassuming; modest:
I actually like this word.
I might not have chosen it for myself; but it does go along with the calm I am trying to create both in my internal spirit and the external space I Live in.
The goal to purge out extra things and to clean goes well within this concept of simplify.
Each month I could try to do one thing that would be part of this process.
I also find my personality has always been these traits, of easy to understand, real and not fake, modest.
So it might be a great fit on many levels for me.
I have found that after choosing the ‘word’ it seems to flow well in the year and I could see it’s purpose.
Do you ever choose a word for the year? How has it worked for you?
What a fantastic way to choose your word for the year, Sharon! Simplify is perfect. My word for the year is “Breathe.” As usual, it found me instead of the other way around.
Blessings to you!