You’ll get a brand-new name
straight from the mouth of God.
You’ll be a stunning crown in the palm of God’s hand,
a jeweled gold cup held high in the hand of your God.
No more will anyone call you rejected,
and your country will no more be called Ruined.
You’ll be called Hephzibah (My Delight),
and your land Beulah (Married),
Because God delights in you… (Isaiah 62-2-4 the Message)
Can you imagine the picture with me;
you will be a crown in the palm of God’s hand.
A crown is often coveted by someone who is in competition striving for winning the price.
It is beautiful ~ shining ~ and full of great value.
That is what this verse is saying about YOU.
You… (Insert your name) will be a stunning crown in the palm of God’s hand.
That means he would hold his palm out and SEE you…
How awesome… of a thought.
You will be like a jeweled cup held high in a place of honor and delighted by God.
Can you grasp that he delights in you?
Are you getting it?
The concept is very hard to receive.
When we go through a process of growth with God we become different and renewed.
Often those who served God in the Old and New Testament received a new name to ‘symbolize’ the change in their heart and the change in their lives.
Jesus changed the names of those who he entrusted to do the finished work.
A new name… given along with a changed status and responsibility.
What a wonderful promise for us as we wait and long for a new name in Glory.
Do you wonder what your ‘new name will be as he delights in you?’
He brought me into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me. Psalm 18:19