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The word for this Friday’s five minute challenge is Lonely.
You write for five minutes with no editing and no revisions.
As I walked into the lobby I noticed the men and women just sitting.
Some were in a chair or love seat waiting… as if in anticipation
of a visitor coming.
There were others who leaned around a piano played by wrinkled hands 
and memories that are blurred of songs and of notes that were easy so long ago.
The keys playing 
some in tune and some not. 
In a loud force as if to say by golly ‘I am here and I can do it again’.
If I stop and look at the faces I see a desperate loneliness.
It is an empty space.
Where hollowed eyes and empty souls sit and wait.
We are uncomfortable when we think of what they are waiting for.
The home is not filled often unless those from the outside choose to come inside
to visit.
I see this in a care home where my sister lives. 
I also see it the care home where my parents live.
We will all face this kind of loneliness someday 
where months and days run together 
and doctor appointments will tell us when it’s time to go out of the doors.
It is a different kind of loneliness.
A heart and soul kind.
Where aging souls sit in reclined chairs and stare at televisions
set on one channel.
It is a quiet and hard place to deal with.
Even when we are together we can feel the lonely.