Our precious Faith Elizabeth went to summer camp this week.
I am prayerful for her. I am happy for her. Scared for her.
She was our first grand daughter and a tiny 2 pounder when she arrived.
Our miracle baby weighing only 8 pounds at 5 months. She was like a little baby doll and has always been petite.
She will be in sixth grade in a month. She is now age 11.
Our time is passing too quickly.
I want to linger in the moment…
and remember her as a baby…a toddler…a preschooler then into school.
I am wonderfully excited for her and yet so sad that time is going to move between us.
She will grow and change and mature and I will delight in her change but I will also see and grieve the passing of time as it must move forward.
I ask myself as a grandma what would I like to pass on to my grandchildren.
What would I want to teach them alongside manners and prayers?
That they should love the Lord with all their heart, soul and mind
and their neighbor like themselves?
That they should listen to their parents and teachers and others in authority.
That they should remember without a shadow of a doubt…
that I will be here or there or anywhere they are… if they need me.
That they should remember that nothing they do will ever take away my love for them.
That my earnest desire is for them to follow after and know the Lord.
That the word will become a lamp for their feet and a light unto their paths.
The things I would say to a little girl growing up…
I grieve the passing of time and at the same time I delight in her.
I delight in all of them as I watch them grow and change.
I am a grandma who prays and
sends letters and cards of encouragement and praise.
I am extremely thankful that I have the honor to love her and walk with her
as she becomes a young lady.
I am a grandma of a little girl growing up too fast.
Lord I pray that my heart can handle it.